Googles latest OS released in First Gen NESTHUB


 Today release marks Google's biggest public step toward Fuchasia being an operating system that the average person can use. By field testing it on real device in the wild, Google can prove that their from- scratch, "not Linux" operating system is ready to be used in the smart home as a drop- in replacement for the cast OS. For now, it's not clear whether Google intends for other cast OS- based devices to be ported to Fuchsia.

Google Nest Hub

That said, the smart home is just one of many avenues that Google has explored for Fuchsia, with the OS designed to be capable of powering both desktops and smartphones, even natively running Android apps. As suggested by Google's Hiroshi Lockeimer in 2019, the smart home may be the starting point for Fuchsia on Made by Google devices- and beyond.

Google Nest Hub

Hiroshi Lockeimer ( Google SVO of Android ) gives a information relating to this was "It's not just phones and PC's. In the world of lot, there are increasing number of devices that require operating systems and new runtimes and soon, I think there's a lot of room for multiple operating systems with different strengths and specializations. Fuchsia is one one of those things and stay tuned.

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